Is electronic cigarette harmful to oral health?

 Is electronic cigarette harmful to oral health?

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Even the most sceptical agree that smoking is detrimental to health. Although there are smokers of up to an advanced age and remain healthy, it is known today that these cases are exceptional and not the norm. Also smokers who know the harms of smoking find it difficult to quit smoking and completely abandon their favorite cigarettes. No wonder the market for quitting smoking is booming and cigarette substitutes are growing popular while the most popular alternative is electronic cigarette.

How does an e-cigarette work?

Shop e-cigarette in a variety of sizes and shapes. Most electronic cigarettes look like long cigarettes, cigars or pipes. All electronic cigarettes operate in the same basic way: The aspirated user of electronic cigarette by absorbent, air flow triggers a sensor operated by batteries, the sensor leads to the evaporation of the liquid nicotine from a small cartridge as well as to the evaporation of propylene glycol which gives Smoke effect. Propylene glycol vapor quickly evaporates like regular cigarette smoke. The sensor will ignite a light at the tip of the cigarette to imitate the smoking process accurately. The electronic cigarette does not contain tobacco, and even the nicotine in the cartridge is artificial. Each cartridge is sufficient for several uses. Low-nicotine cartridges or those that do not contain nicotine can be selected at all.
The electronic cigarette went out to market 10 years ago. Electronic cigarettes operate by releasing steam, usually flavored with tobacco, but there is a variety of flavors. It seems that the electronic cigarette is safe to use much more than normal cigarettes, although the electronic cigarette contains nicotine but there are chemicals that are less harmful than ordinary cigarettes. While it is important to remember that an electronic cigarette does not contain all the harmful substances found in regular cigarettes, it is filled with chemicals that help to form vapors whose safety theme is still controversial.

Electronic Cigarette and oral health

Electronic cigarettes contain diateline glycol and other carcinogenic chemicals, but they are less than normal cigarettes. There is general agreement that smoking e-cigarette significantly reduces the risk of oral cancer, but what about other aspects of oral health? Two of the main components of the electronic cigarette are propylene glycol and glycerin. Contrary to past allegations, these substances do not lead to tooth decay and in fact propylene glycol is present in many toothpastes and can kill bacteria in the mouth.

Nicotine and decay

Because of the addictive qualities of nicotine, most smokers who move to smoke an electronic cigarette opt for e-cigarette containing nicotine or consume nicotine in alternative ways. Nicotine consumption weakens the body's ability to produce enough saliva and leads to dry mouth. One of the important roles of saliva is to wash the bacteria from the mouth, if there is a lack of saliva in the mouth, the bacteria may accumulate in the mouth and lead to tooth decay and gum disease. These health conditions are expressed by tooth pain, bleeding, swelling of the gums and bad breath. Untreated, periodontal disease can lead to tooth loss in the mouth.
Nicotine even leads to the contraction of blood vessels that are supposed to inject the bloodstream into the tissues in the oral cavity. Poor blood flow leads to the lack of oxygen needed to regenerate cells and to the lack of the white blood vessels of the immune system that help to combat infections in the mouth. Therefore, smoking an electronic cigarette leads to dental problems, just like smoking tobacco.

Tooth enamel corrosion

Smoking weakens the protective layer of the teeth. Smokers tend to keep the cigarette or pipe in their mouth in the same position for a long time, which leads to the erosion of the tooth enamel. In addition, the tobacco manufactured in regular cigarettes is cumulatively multiplied by the dental casing, thus moving to electronic cigarettes Tobacco-free prevents the exacerbation of tooth enamel layer erosion.

Yellow Teeth

Prolonged exposure to regular cigarette tobacco leads to yellow teeth and brown spots on the distinctive teeth of smokers. As we mentioned, e-cigarette does not contain tobacco, it helps aesthetically to prevent the appearance of yellow teeth and stains.

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