الوظيفة: مسؤل مبيعات داخلية - العجمى - الاسكندرية

الوظيفة: مسؤل مبيعات داخلية - العجمى - الاسكندرية

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مميزات الوظيفة

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The damage to shisha is numerous and is not a recreational way!

 The damage to shisha is numerous and is not a recreational way!

A new Swedish study published in the Journal of Periodontology, which examined the relationship between gum disease and the habits of smoking hookah and cigarettes, proved that the damage of shisha is also applied to the health of the mouth and teeth. This study examined 262 people who were divided into several groups of shisha smokers and cigarette smokers. Periodontal disease, oral health and caries were examined.
The results showed that the risk of tooth decay and gum disease in shisha smokers is five times higher compared to non-smokers, while he has cigarette smokers the risk was four times higher compared to non-smokers. The study was conducted by a team of researchers from the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden.
The Cancer Society confirms that "the results of this study, which examined the short-term shisha damage, reinforce previous information collected in recent years, which proves that the habit of smoking shisha has serious consequences for health. Although research in the world about the damage caused by smoking shisha is still relatively early, it is clear today that shisha is harmful to health such as cigarette smoking and some studies such as these, proving that they harm even more. The anti-cancer authorities remember that shisha tobacco is not supervised by the Ministry of Health, and therefore none of the users know any substances that enter into the body, but this tobacco contains nicotine and tens of carcinogenic and harmful substances in addition to the smell and taste of fruit which gives the impression "natural". Unfortunately smoking shisha is a common habit among young people and teenagers.
More about shisha damage
(smoking) or tobacco that smokes in the hookah is mixed with fruit extract ((fruit molasse)) and honey (about 70 percent). Tobacco is a powdered mixture of dried fruit pulp ((fruit pulp)) and fresh leaf tobacco. The tobacco mixture is available in a variety of flavors, including Fatkhna, apples, apricots, cappuccino, lemon and mint, cherry, grape, honey, melon, mint, orange, peach, raspberry, strawberry and watermelon. The variety of fruity flavors attracts young people and gives shisha an "innocent" image.
Shisha tobacco is not usually subject to health supervision. Drawing on the fruit cans, the sweet smell that spreads in the air with tobacco smoking, is misleading and gives the impression that the mixture is only a natural mixture of fruit, and harmless.
Related Topics

Some cans contain molasses (a sweet substance derived from sugar), materials for the additives and preservatives, and tar (TAR), which is known to cause cancer. Sometimes it is written on the box that the mixture contains 0.0 percent tar, which can be misleading and gives the impression that this substance is not present in tobacco smoke, but this is not true-in a previous study conducted at the American University in Beirut found large amounts of tar, nicotine and minerals Heavy in tobacco smoke emitted from shisha.
Some diseases caused by shisha damage!
New studies examined the contents of shisha smoke, which found large amounts of toxic andcarcinogenicsubstances, which cause serious damage to the health of the smoker including: damage to vital organs in the body: smokers of shisha have found high levels of carbon monoxide (CO) in the blood. The result is that carbon monoxide is a gas that harms the oxygen supply to the tissues of the body, thereby increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease and even damaging the physique.
Shisha smoking is associated with high risk of cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and other serious illnesses. Tar, Benzoprin, arsenic, chromium and lead-can cause various cancers such as lung cancer, gums, lips, and bladder; Shisha smokers usually circulate shisha from one mouth to another, they are at risk of contracting infectious diseases, such as lip herpes, tuberculosis, and many lonely and others.
Shisha smokers are at risk of getting eczema, skin diseases, which appear on the fingers of the hand that hold the shisha.
There was also a correlation between the smoking of shisha in pregnant women and the low birth weight, and low birthweight could negatively affect the child's development and health status. It was also found that pregnant women who smoked shisha caused shortness of breath in most of their babies. It is also known that nicotine that is absorbed in the blood after smoking shisha tobacco, can cause addiction. Smoking shisha may also damage the blood clotting system in the human body.
Myths about smoking Shisha
  • Adding bait materials to shisha tobacco causes shisha smokers to believe, by mistake, that the mixture contains fruit, so it is not harmful.
  • The misconception that all harmful substances "drain" when they pass through the water in the shisha. The explanation is that the moisture created by the presence of water in shisha smoke reduces the feeling of discomfort in the throat during smoking-compared to cigarette smoking which is a feeling of irritation in the throat, so there is a misconception that the damage is less.
  • Shisha is seen by young people as recreational work/hobby for leisure hours: they try to smoke different types of tobacco and different smoking methods.

Is electronic cigarette harmful to oral health?

 Is electronic cigarette harmful to oral health?

هل السيجارة الإلكترونية ضارة لصحة الفم؟

Even the most sceptical agree that smoking is detrimental to health. Although there are smokers of up to an advanced age and remain healthy, it is known today that these cases are exceptional and not the norm. Also smokers who know the harms of smoking find it difficult to quit smoking and completely abandon their favorite cigarettes. No wonder the market for quitting smoking is booming and cigarette substitutes are growing popular while the most popular alternative is electronic cigarette.

How does an e-cigarette work?

Shop e-cigarette in a variety of sizes and shapes. Most electronic cigarettes look like long cigarettes, cigars or pipes. All electronic cigarettes operate in the same basic way: The aspirated user of electronic cigarette by absorbent, air flow triggers a sensor operated by batteries, the sensor leads to the evaporation of the liquid nicotine from a small cartridge as well as to the evaporation of propylene glycol which gives Smoke effect. Propylene glycol vapor quickly evaporates like regular cigarette smoke. The sensor will ignite a light at the tip of the cigarette to imitate the smoking process accurately. The electronic cigarette does not contain tobacco, and even the nicotine in the cartridge is artificial. Each cartridge is sufficient for several uses. Low-nicotine cartridges or those that do not contain nicotine can be selected at all.
The electronic cigarette went out to market 10 years ago. Electronic cigarettes operate by releasing steam, usually flavored with tobacco, but there is a variety of flavors. It seems that the electronic cigarette is safe to use much more than normal cigarettes, although the electronic cigarette contains nicotine but there are chemicals that are less harmful than ordinary cigarettes. While it is important to remember that an electronic cigarette does not contain all the harmful substances found in regular cigarettes, it is filled with chemicals that help to form vapors whose safety theme is still controversial.

Electronic Cigarette and oral health

Electronic cigarettes contain diateline glycol and other carcinogenic chemicals, but they are less than normal cigarettes. There is general agreement that smoking e-cigarette significantly reduces the risk of oral cancer, but what about other aspects of oral health? Two of the main components of the electronic cigarette are propylene glycol and glycerin. Contrary to past allegations, these substances do not lead to tooth decay and in fact propylene glycol is present in many toothpastes and can kill bacteria in the mouth.

Nicotine and decay

Because of the addictive qualities of nicotine, most smokers who move to smoke an electronic cigarette opt for e-cigarette containing nicotine or consume nicotine in alternative ways. Nicotine consumption weakens the body's ability to produce enough saliva and leads to dry mouth. One of the important roles of saliva is to wash the bacteria from the mouth, if there is a lack of saliva in the mouth, the bacteria may accumulate in the mouth and lead to tooth decay and gum disease. These health conditions are expressed by tooth pain, bleeding, swelling of the gums and bad breath. Untreated, periodontal disease can lead to tooth loss in the mouth.
Nicotine even leads to the contraction of blood vessels that are supposed to inject the bloodstream into the tissues in the oral cavity. Poor blood flow leads to the lack of oxygen needed to regenerate cells and to the lack of the white blood vessels of the immune system that help to combat infections in the mouth. Therefore, smoking an electronic cigarette leads to dental problems, just like smoking tobacco.

Tooth enamel corrosion

Smoking weakens the protective layer of the teeth. Smokers tend to keep the cigarette or pipe in their mouth in the same position for a long time, which leads to the erosion of the tooth enamel. In addition, the tobacco manufactured in regular cigarettes is cumulatively multiplied by the dental casing, thus moving to electronic cigarettes Tobacco-free prevents the exacerbation of tooth enamel layer erosion.

Yellow Teeth

Prolonged exposure to regular cigarette tobacco leads to yellow teeth and brown spots on the distinctive teeth of smokers. As we mentioned, e-cigarette does not contain tobacco, it helps aesthetically to prevent the appearance of yellow teeth and stains.

Smoking dangers: A list of the most important ones!

 Smoking dangers: A list of the most important ones!

Lung cancer is not the only damage to smoking! Here are a number of facts that you would prefer to know before deciding to put the next cigarette in your mouth.
أخطار التدخين: قائمة بأهمها!

"I only smoke a few cigarettes a day," I just smoke on occasions, "I want to stop but I can't." Sounds familiar? Be careful, every cigarette a person decides to smoke shortens his life and is associated with the dangers of smoking.
With a simple calculation, one can smoke a single packet every day for more than twenty years to shorten his life by 10 years. Also smoking three cigarettes a day creates a harmful effect for smokers and their environment.

Introduction to the dangers of smoking

The dangers of smoking stem from the fact that there are about 4,000 different substances in cigarette smoke, of which about 400 are found to be harmful and about 200 are carcinogenic (carcinogens).
In summary, from the dangers of smoking , harmful substances in cigarette smoke generally weaken the body's immune system , thus exposing smokers and their environment to diseases at a more and more serious rate.

Date of smoking

The origin of tobacco from the United States (Central America). It was brought to Europe by Columbus sailors, i.e. at the end of the 15th century.
The source of the name "tobacco" comes from the term "Tobago", which is a giant flute in which Indians smoked tobacco.
In the 16th century and 17, smoking was considered to have some positive advantages, including the subject of obesity, when doctors claimed that cigarette smoking could be useful in reducing weight, and today it is known that this is not necessarily true.
Despite what is commonly believed, smoking has become particularly common in World War I and II. At the end of the Second World War, nearly 50% of the world's adult population became smokers.
In 1958, for the first time, a warning from the dangers of smoking by the US Department of Health showed that smoking could be harmful to health.
Since then it has been demonstrated in many studies that the damage caused by smoking is very large and has started a worldwide campaign to provide awareness of the harms of smoking. Today about 25% of the world's population smokes.

Smoking damage

The harmful substances found in cigarette smoke have many different effects on the possibility of contracting various diseases, the vast majority of which are serious and chronic diseases, including:

1. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

Chronic bronchitis. A disease in which there is a growing shortness of breath due to the destruction of functional units in the lung. About 15% of smokers develop sharp COPD during their lifetime which worsens with age.
This disease often occurs in smokers in the fifth decade of life and leads to frequent infections in therespiratory tract.
This makes the patient reach a frequent hospital condition due to the deterioration of the respiratory system, due to the need to receive oxygen outside and even to implant the lung.
The lung clinics in the medical centers are due to the risk of smoking every year a large number of patients with this disease to varying degrees.
Between 10% to 30% of the total patients who are treated suffer from pulmonary embolism COPD.
It should be noted that in terms of health data, when a person is infected with the disease, there is no way to completely recover from it.
However, quitting smoking completely prevents the patient from deteriorating and stabilizing his condition.

2. Cancer

cancer that tops cancer diseases caused by the dangers of smoking is lung cancer. This is the cancer that occurs almost exclusively in smokers.
Smoking one cigarette pack a day for more than 30 years increases the risk of lung cancer by-25 times.
This is a type of cancer, in which even early detection does not necessarily help to heal it. Today lung cancer has become the number one cause of death among smokers worldwide.
Other types of cancer commonly caused by the dangers of smoking are colon cancer, oral and pharyngeal cancer, bladder cancer, esophageal cancer and kidney cancer.
However, it is important to stress that all other cancers are significantly affected by the fact that the person is smoked, and that cancers (such as testicular cancer, uterine cancer) are highly affected by smoking and are more common in smokers.

3. Dangers of smoking on the heart

The prevalence of peripheral cardiovascular disease has proven to be twice as high in smokers as compared to non-smokers.
Similarly, the incidence of stroke (CVA) is almost three times greater for smokers than for non-smokers.

4. Fertility and pregnancy

Different studies suggest that there is a direct link between the dangers of smoking during pregnancy and the high rate of abortion.
Also, women who smoke during pregnancy have smaller embryos and give birth to children of less than average weight. Similarly, men smokers may be less fertile.

5. Accelerating ageing

Smoking affects the cardiovascular system, which provides blood supply and oxygen to the body. This mode "encourages" the hardening of the arteries, reduces blood access to the various organs in the body and results in the deterioration of their functional performance.
Also, over the years there has been a noticeable decrease in smokers in everything related to intelligence and memory.
In addition, smokers have a phenomenon called "smoker's Face". What is meant here is the appearance of a lot of fine lines of wrinkles on a person's face, especially around the mouth, which dramatically affects its exterior appearance.
Another phenomenon is the phenomenon of yellow skin more in the area of the face, hands and nails.

It's not too late to quit smoking .

In various studies, as well as campaigns announcing the dangers of smoking in recent years, it has been explained to smokers beyond reasonable doubt that the damage caused during smoking is a multiplier-for smokers and for their environment.
The concentration of harmful substances inhaled by the passive smoker compared to the active smoker (who inhale toxins through the filter) has been shown to be much higher, because the passive smoker does not use the filter naturally present in cigarettes.
In some of them, the concentration of harmful substances in cigarette smoke is sometimes higher up to B-16 and-30 times the concentration of direct smoke inhaled by the active smoker.
In addition, the large amount of CO (carbon monoxide) found in cigarette smoke is absorbed through the lungs. The-CO usually connects to the blood in the same way as it binds to the oxygen.
When this happens, shortness of breath and heart rate problems may occur .
Also for the concentration of the Co, its concentration in the smoke inhaled by the passive smoker is greater B-2.5 times than the concentration of the co, which is inhaled by the smoker itself.
Light Cigarettes "lite" can be defined as "deceiving" from cigarette companies. These cigarettes do not reduce harmful substances, but the amount of nicotine, which is the addictive substance in tobacco, is reduced.
Typically, smokers who smoke light cigarettes smoke more to get the same amount of addictive substance (nicotine). In other words, the damage is exactly the same as the damage.
In conclusion, it is important to remember that quitting smoking at any moment improves the health of a person, even if he smokes "heavily" for years. Even if the damage occurs, further deterioration can be prevented once smoking is stopped.
For example, if a person stops smoking, the chances of heart disease become equal within two years of quitting to those of the person who is not smoking at all.

Passive smoking and its harms: is the truth so gloomy?

 Passive smoking and its harms: is the truth so gloomy?

التدخين السلبي وأضراره: هل الحقيقة بهذه القتامة؟

What is secondhand smoke?

Passive smoking is known to inhale smoke from a burning cigarette, with smoke coming out of the mouth or nose of a smoker. Exposure to secondhand smoke occurs everywhere where people smoke: at work, at home, in public places, or in a private car. Usually, secondhand smoke is caused by cigarette smoking, but also by pipe, cigar, hookah and other tobacco products that release smoke.
The amount of smoke emitted from tobacco products depends on the amount of tobacco in it. For example a single average cigar can release a quantity similar to the amount of smoke emitted by half a packet of cigarettes.
It is difficult to determine the extent of exposure, but it is possible to measure the level of nicotine or other chemicals found in cigarettes in the air of the room. The level of codeine (a byproduct of nicotine degradation in our body) can also be measured in the passive smoker's blood or saliva so that the degree of exposure can be assessed.

Passive smoking and its harms: is exposure to secondhand smoke can cause cancer?

In tobacco smoke from the regular cigarette there are about 7,000 chemicals, of which at least 250 are hazardous, such as cyanide, carbon monoxide and ammonia. At least 69 chemicals emitted from cigarette burning that are inhaled in the case of secondhand smoke are found to be carcinogenic or suspected to be carcinogenic, including: arsenic, benzene, beryllium (toxic metal), cadmium, chromium, ethylene-oxide, nickel, vinyl-chloride.
If so, the answer is yes. The Cancer Society and the International Agency for Research on Cancer have identified negative smoking and its damage as carcinogenic, which is a risk factor for cancer.
Passive smoking can lead to lung cancer in adults who do not smoke. It is estimated that secondhand smoke increases the risk of lung cancer by 20-30%. Passive smoking may also encourage the development of other types of cancers, such as oral and pharyngeal cancers, gastrointestinal cancers, bladder cancer, kidney cancer, pancreatic cancer, cervical cancer and cancer Breast in women, lymphoma, leukemia, and brain tumors in children.
Related Topics

Secondhand smoke and other harms:

• Secondhand smoke has an immediate and harmful effect on the cardiovascular system: Passive smoking increases the risk of heart disease by 25%. Passive smokers are also at greater risk of stroke.
• Passive smoking leads to irritation of the respiratory tract: inhaled substances destroy the small hairs in the respiratory tract which help in the removal of particles and bacteria, leading to their accumulation and to increase the incidence of inflammation in the respiratory system.
• Passive smoking increases the risk of asthma in children and exacerbates the disease: they may also suffer from bronchitis, pneumonia, respiratory tract infections and ears. In infants, secondhand smoke also harms the sudden death of a cradle. It was also found that the effects of secondhand smoke continue beyond childhood and are reflected by stunted growth and damage to academic achievement.
• Passive smoking harms the embryos of pregnant women who are exposed to smoke: even pregnant women who are not smoking but who are exposed to cigarette smoke may endanger the life of the fetus. Studies have shown that passive smoking and its damage during pregnancy increases the risk of a dead foetus being born at 23% and the risk of having a child with 13% bodily defects, such as women who are already smoking during pregnancy.

Is secondhand smoke safe?

There is no safe level for secondhand smoke. While the prevailing position of scientists is that the degree of damage is dose-specific, there is no precise measure of exposure measurement, and even a little exposure to cigarette smoke may cause damage.
The best way to protect ourselves from secondhand smoke and its disadvantages is to avoid staying completely indoor where smokers. There is a law enacted in many countries of the world "Law on restriction of smoking in public places", which prohibits smoking in public places such as restaurants, cafes, shopping malls, hospitals, clinics, workplaces, schools, public transport, etc.

Smoking dangers: A list of the most important ones!

 Smoking dangers: A list of the most important ones!

أخطار التدخين: قائمة بأهمها!

"I only smoke a few cigarettes a day," I just smoke on occasions, "I want to stop but I can't." Sounds familiar? Be careful, every cigarette a person decides to smoke shortens his life and is associated with the dangers of smoking.
With a simple calculation, one can smoke a single packet every day for more than twenty years to shorten his life by 10 years. Also smoking three cigarettes a day creates a harmful effect for smokers and their environment.

Introduction to the dangers of smoking

The dangers of smoking stem from the fact that there are about 4,000 different substances in cigarette smoke, of which about 400 are found to be harmful and about 200 are carcinogenic (carcinogens).
In summary, from the dangers of smoking , harmful substances in cigarette smoke generally weaken the body's immune system , thus exposing smokers and their environment to diseases at a more and more serious rate.

Date of smoking

The origin of tobacco from the United States (Central America). It was brought to Europe by Columbus sailors, i.e. at the end of the 15th century.
The source of the name "tobacco" comes from the term "Tobago", which is a giant flute in which Indians smoked tobacco.

In the 16th century and 17, smoking was considered to have some positive advantages, including the subject of obesity, when doctors claimed that cigarette smoking could be useful in reducing weight, and today it is known that this is not necessarily true.
Despite what is commonly believed, smoking has become particularly common in World War I and II. At the end of the Second World War, nearly 50% of the world's adult population became smokers.
In 1958, for the first time, a warning from the dangers of smoking by the US Department of Health showed that smoking could be harmful to health.
Since then it has been demonstrated in many studies that the damage caused by smoking is very large and has started a worldwide campaign to provide awareness of the harms of smoking. Today about 25% of the world's population smokes.

Smoking damage

The harmful substances found in cigarette smoke have many different effects on the possibility of contracting various diseases, the vast majority of which are serious and chronic diseases, including:

1. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

Chronic bronchitis. A disease in which there is a growing shortness of breath due to the destruction of functional units in the lung. About 15% of smokers develop sharp COPD during their lifetime which worsens with age.
This disease often occurs in smokers in the fifth decade of life and leads to frequent infections in therespiratory tract.
This makes the patient reach a frequent hospital condition due to the deterioration of the respiratory system, due to the need to receive oxygen outside and even to implant the lung.
The lung clinics in the medical centers are due to the risk of smoking every year a large number of patients with this disease to varying degrees.
Between 10% to 30% of the total patients who are treated suffer from pulmonary embolism COPD.
It should be noted that in terms of health data, when a person is infected with the disease, there is no way to completely recover from it.
However, quitting smoking completely prevents the patient from deteriorating and stabilizing his condition.

2. Cancer

cancer that tops cancer diseases caused by the dangers of smoking is lung cancer. This is the cancer that occurs almost exclusively in smokers.
Smoking one cigarette pack a day for more than 30 years increases the risk of lung cancer by-25 times.
This is a type of cancer, in which even early detection does not necessarily help to heal it. Today lung cancer has become the number one cause of death among smokers worldwide.
Other types of cancer commonly caused by the dangers of smoking are colon cancer, oral and pharyngeal cancer, bladder cancer, esophageal cancer and kidney cancer.
However, it is important to stress that all other cancers are significantly affected by the fact that the person is smoked, and that cancers (such as testicular cancer, uterine cancer) are highly affected by smoking and are more common in smokers.

3. Dangers of smoking on the heart

The prevalence of peripheral cardiovascular disease has proven to be twice as high in smokers as compared to non-smokers.
Similarly, the incidence of stroke (CVA) is almost three times greater for smokers than for non-smokers.

4. Fertility and pregnancy

Different studies suggest that there is a direct link between the dangers of smoking during pregnancy and the high rate of abortion.
Also, women who smoke during pregnancy have smaller embryos and give birth to children of less than average weight. Similarly, men smokers may be less fertile.

5. Accelerating ageing

Smoking affects the cardiovascular system, which provides blood supply and oxygen to the body. This mode "encourages" the hardening of the arteries, reduces blood access to the various organs in the body and results in the deterioration of their functional performance.
Also, over the years there has been a noticeable decrease in smokers in everything related to intelligence and memory.
In addition, smokers have a phenomenon called "smoker's Face". What is meant here is the appearance of a lot of fine lines of wrinkles on a person's face, especially around the mouth, which dramatically affects its exterior appearance.
Another phenomenon is the phenomenon of yellow skin more in the area of the face, hands and nails.

It's not too late to quit smoking .

In various studies, as well as campaigns announcing the dangers of smoking in recent years, it has been explained to smokers beyond reasonable doubt that the damage caused during smoking is a multiplier-for smokers and for their environment.
The concentration of harmful substances inhaled by the passive smoker compared to the active smoker (who inhale toxins through the filter) has been shown to be much higher, because the passive smoker does not use the filter naturally present in cigarettes.
In some of them, the concentration of harmful substances in cigarette smoke is sometimes higher up to B-16 and-30 times the concentration of direct smoke inhaled by the active smoker.
In addition, the large amount of CO (carbon monoxide) found in cigarette smoke is absorbed through the lungs. The-CO usually connects to the blood in the same way as it binds to the oxygen.
When this happens, shortness of breath and heart rate problems may occur .
Also for the concentration of the Co, its concentration in the smoke inhaled by the passive smoker is greater B-2.5 times than the concentration of the co, which is inhaled by the smoker itself.
Light Cigarettes "lite" can be defined as "deceiving" from cigarette companies. These cigarettes do not reduce harmful substances, but the amount of nicotine, which is the addictive substance in tobacco, is reduced.
Typically, smokers who smoke light cigarettes smoke more to get the same amount of addictive substance (nicotine). In other words, the damage is exactly the same as the damage.
In conclusion, it is important to remember that quitting smoking at any moment improves the health of a person, even if he smokes "heavily" for years. Even if the damage occurs, further deterioration can be prevented once smoking is stopped.
For example, if a person stops smoking, the chances of heart disease become equal within two years of quitting to those of the person who is not smoking at all.

Smoking: This affects your heart and blood vessels.

 Smoking: This affects your heart and blood vessels.

التدخين: هكذا يؤثر على قلبك وأوعيتك الدموية

One of the many different types of smoking damage to health, even to smokers themselves, is no secret, and here we will review the effect of smoking on the body 's circulation device , or in other words the heart and blood vessels.

Smoking and cardiovascular disease

The chemicals contained in tobacco damage the blood cells and negatively affect the overall functions of the heart and the structure, composition and functions of the blood vessels as well, and all of these factors are combined to increase the chances of developing many cardiovascular diseases , which The following diseases are mentioned:

Smoking and atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis (atherosclerosis) arises when the natural waxy material called Black (Plaque) begins to accumulate on the walls of the arteries. Over time, this accumulated substance increases rigidity, narrowing the arteries, and minimizing the passage of oxygen-laden blood, which is necessary and critical to the health of the organs.

Smoking and coronary artery disease

Coronary artery disease (coronary heart disease-CHD) occurs when plaque accumulates in the coronary arteries of the heart. Over time, the accumulation may cause chest pain, angina , heart failure, irregular heartbeat, or even death.

Smoking and peripheral vascular disease

In this case, plaque accumulates on the walls of the blood vessels that carry blood to the head, organs and ribs. People with this condition are more likely to have other heart conditions, angina, and clots in general.
This disease may have a particular impact on the feet, hampering the blood access of the two men, which may lead to:

  1. Cramps and pain.
  2. General weakness.
  3. numbness in the pelvic area, thighs or leg muscles.
  4. In severe and acute cases it may cause gangrene (gangrene), where the tissues begin to die, which may eventually lead to the need for leg amputation.

Risk Factors

The chances of heart disease in the smoker are multiplied, if this coincides with other conditions and symptoms, such as:
  1. Suffering from unhealthy levels of harmful cholesterol.
  2. High blood pressure.
  3. Obesity or overweight.

Passive smoking and cardiovascular disease

Passive smoking also has its share of increased chances of cardiovascular disease, as non-smokers inhale many of the same harmful chemicals inhaled by the smoker. Passive smoking takes two form:
  1. Non-smoker inhalation of smoke outside of the flaming limb of the cigarette directly.
  2. Non-smoker inhalation of the smoke that came out with the exhalation of the smoker.

Secondhand smoke and children

Passive smoking increases the chances of future children and adolescents getting coronary artery disease, as the smoke contributes to:
  1. Reduce the good cholesterol in the body.
  2. Increased blood pressure.
  3. Damage to the tissues of the heart.
The impact of secondhand smoke is particularly evident in preterm infants, especially those with respiratory illnesses, such as asthma, whose effect is usually doubly severe.

The effect of different types of tobacco products smoking

Scientists know little about the disadvantages of using Cuban pipes and cigars, but they are likely to have the same damage, if tobacco is made up of the same toxic chemicals, but more studies and research is needed to find out the exact data in this regard.
Smoking with any amount and frequency, even accidental, is detrimental to blood vessels and cardiac functions. Smoking is doubly dangerous for women who use contraceptive pills or for people with diabetes. We should not forget the dangers posed by secondhand smoke to people in the smoker's vicinity. So the next time you lit your cigarette to smoke, think twice.