The damage to shisha is numerous and is not a recreational way!

 The damage to shisha is numerous and is not a recreational way!

A new Swedish study published in the Journal of Periodontology, which examined the relationship between gum disease and the habits of smoking hookah and cigarettes, proved that the damage of shisha is also applied to the health of the mouth and teeth. This study examined 262 people who were divided into several groups of shisha smokers and cigarette smokers. Periodontal disease, oral health and caries were examined.
The results showed that the risk of tooth decay and gum disease in shisha smokers is five times higher compared to non-smokers, while he has cigarette smokers the risk was four times higher compared to non-smokers. The study was conducted by a team of researchers from the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden.
The Cancer Society confirms that "the results of this study, which examined the short-term shisha damage, reinforce previous information collected in recent years, which proves that the habit of smoking shisha has serious consequences for health. Although research in the world about the damage caused by smoking shisha is still relatively early, it is clear today that shisha is harmful to health such as cigarette smoking and some studies such as these, proving that they harm even more. The anti-cancer authorities remember that shisha tobacco is not supervised by the Ministry of Health, and therefore none of the users know any substances that enter into the body, but this tobacco contains nicotine and tens of carcinogenic and harmful substances in addition to the smell and taste of fruit which gives the impression "natural". Unfortunately smoking shisha is a common habit among young people and teenagers.
More about shisha damage
(smoking) or tobacco that smokes in the hookah is mixed with fruit extract ((fruit molasse)) and honey (about 70 percent). Tobacco is a powdered mixture of dried fruit pulp ((fruit pulp)) and fresh leaf tobacco. The tobacco mixture is available in a variety of flavors, including Fatkhna, apples, apricots, cappuccino, lemon and mint, cherry, grape, honey, melon, mint, orange, peach, raspberry, strawberry and watermelon. The variety of fruity flavors attracts young people and gives shisha an "innocent" image.
Shisha tobacco is not usually subject to health supervision. Drawing on the fruit cans, the sweet smell that spreads in the air with tobacco smoking, is misleading and gives the impression that the mixture is only a natural mixture of fruit, and harmless.
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Some cans contain molasses (a sweet substance derived from sugar), materials for the additives and preservatives, and tar (TAR), which is known to cause cancer. Sometimes it is written on the box that the mixture contains 0.0 percent tar, which can be misleading and gives the impression that this substance is not present in tobacco smoke, but this is not true-in a previous study conducted at the American University in Beirut found large amounts of tar, nicotine and minerals Heavy in tobacco smoke emitted from shisha.
Some diseases caused by shisha damage!
New studies examined the contents of shisha smoke, which found large amounts of toxic andcarcinogenicsubstances, which cause serious damage to the health of the smoker including: damage to vital organs in the body: smokers of shisha have found high levels of carbon monoxide (CO) in the blood. The result is that carbon monoxide is a gas that harms the oxygen supply to the tissues of the body, thereby increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease and even damaging the physique.
Shisha smoking is associated with high risk of cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and other serious illnesses. Tar, Benzoprin, arsenic, chromium and lead-can cause various cancers such as lung cancer, gums, lips, and bladder; Shisha smokers usually circulate shisha from one mouth to another, they are at risk of contracting infectious diseases, such as lip herpes, tuberculosis, and many lonely and others.
Shisha smokers are at risk of getting eczema, skin diseases, which appear on the fingers of the hand that hold the shisha.
There was also a correlation between the smoking of shisha in pregnant women and the low birth weight, and low birthweight could negatively affect the child's development and health status. It was also found that pregnant women who smoked shisha caused shortness of breath in most of their babies. It is also known that nicotine that is absorbed in the blood after smoking shisha tobacco, can cause addiction. Smoking shisha may also damage the blood clotting system in the human body.
Myths about smoking Shisha
  • Adding bait materials to shisha tobacco causes shisha smokers to believe, by mistake, that the mixture contains fruit, so it is not harmful.
  • The misconception that all harmful substances "drain" when they pass through the water in the shisha. The explanation is that the moisture created by the presence of water in shisha smoke reduces the feeling of discomfort in the throat during smoking-compared to cigarette smoking which is a feeling of irritation in the throat, so there is a misconception that the damage is less.
  • Shisha is seen by young people as recreational work/hobby for leisure hours: they try to smoke different types of tobacco and different smoking methods.

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